Friday, September 01, 2006

Modern Mistakes

Interesting mistakes being made these days. I think of 2....pilot accidentally picks wrong runway...nurse accidentally
programs electronic drug doser to 4 hours instead of 4 days, both results death. Bet you all can think of hundreds of others like this. I wonder if accidental deaths without malice are increasing or if anyone records those stats. We know that hospitals are having a tough time with this and wrong drugs given is a huge problem and doctors can slip up easily.
What is the underlying problem?  Fatigue? Distraction?  Unclear minds?  Inappropriate goals?  Administators cutting workforce drastically?  No universal language?
I heard from a pilot on the radio that at the LAX airport  they have to clear the field for Mexican airplanes coming in because they don't speak English and are so unperdictable, they have to give them the whole field instead of a runway.
If we hire non-English speaking workers everywhere, can we anticipate failure to understand procedure?
Personally, I have never had a successful conversation with computer support with anyone outside the U.S.    


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