Messages from Within
Sometimes your body tells you to do one thing and your coach tells you to do another. Listening to inner messages
about your life, your body, your food culture, your vulnerabilities, your history can head off serious illness.
Pump up your metabolism! Is that really what your body needs? You may need more rest programmed
into your life. Our dear friend, Oprah, did everything for everyone...on stage every day, pushed her body til she
was thin and looked like a model. Her thyroid gland went wacko. First overactive, then underactive and now 20
or some pounds later with swollen face and body, she fights for her life.....still doing the shows, talking more
about death and illness than weddings and clothes, marriage and babies and parties. My take is she was listening
to all the coaches and doctors and physical therapists and psychologists and friends and experts rather then
her inner voice. Her soul will have it's way. A good book on that subject is, The Souls Code by James Hillman.
Not for wimps.
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