Keeping your mind large . .
There are so many small minds that throw out nets to capture you into their level of thinking. They're all around us.....tearing at us to think small. Gossip will do that, jealous people, full of hate people, withholding controlling people, etc. etc.
We get caught in their nets when we are vulnerable. When we are strong we can give them a loving up-level showing
them a positive aspect or broader aspect.
Ram Dass used to say that if you get
caught in other's nets, that's your
My favorite moments, lately, are when I'm standing on a street corner in Goleta (or somewhere like that) dislaying my "Out of Iraq--Now!" protest sign, and a gun-racked-pickup-truck-driving redneck flashes me a mid-finger salute and I smile and respond with my two-fingered peace sign. There's something, some small thing, spiritual about the sensation I get from doing that. Not Christlike, not Buddhalike or Gandhilike. Eriklike--and I like that.
What an incredibly literal example,
Erik. And that's exactly what I was
talking about....keeping one's own mind free in a loving place...not allowing the pain and hate being thrown at you to come in and then, giving an up-level response.
It does seem Gandhilike to me. He was the first to teach me about saving the interaction from dissolution so there is still something to build on. Now I would say it's God's love espressing thru Erik as it was God's love expressing thru Ghandi. It is creation rather then destruction. Destruction is easy, but to capture the pieces and begin creation is the ultimate joy. easym b
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