"You can count how many seeds are in the
apple, but not how many apples are in the seed".
Ken Kersey
This spreading radiance of a True Human Being has great importance. Look carefully around you and recognize the luminosity of souls. Sit beside those who draw you to that. Jalal Rumi
I thought that was a Rober Schuller quote. Remember him?
Sure do. When we consider that a butterfly in Asia effects the weather here, think of the effect of all our positive and negative actions and how they must ripple out as seeds planted. When I moved to where I currently reside, there was so much hostility in the air, I swear you could cut it with a knife. I think its mgmt problems.
One tenant told mgmt the same and their response was "I don't see it at all".What a huge amount of insensitivity. When folks are very hostile & punitive, they are unable to see,feel, what is going on around them, or should we say they are hypnotized to see only violence and hatred.
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