Monday, February 27, 2006

Ports and nest of problems

It appears the operation of our ports by Dubai
has opened up a nest of problems. We have no
choice but to sell our assets to our creditors. They
are demanding it, or they call in our debt. I always
thought there was something fishy about being in
debt to foreign nations and corporations. That's it.
That's why "commercial interests" are buying up
all U.S. assets. We prefer that they just buy up
our I.O.U.s and collect interest , but that just led to
their buying up everything.
The Dubai deal is going thru March 2 regardless
of the 45 day investigation. They take over the ports
in 3 days, and the only thing that will stop it is 
going to federal courts.
And the Dubai co. owned by an Arab govt thus
controlled by an Arab govt has threatened CNN
to stop Lou Dobbs from reporting anything about
what is going on. They have cut CNN out from any
info or accessibility, but CNN won't cave. They stand
by Lou Dobbs.


Blogger Unknown said...

I thought they were just buying rights to management, not actual US assets. And that they bought the management by buying another foreign (British) company that already had that interest. What am I missing?

1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess having control of/managing the terminals and movement of cargo equats to an asset that a corporation buys for extended years.The way I read it, the corp.
then owns it for 30 years or whatever and is entitled to make a substantial profit from the ownership.Maybe its in the form of a lease which can be called an asset. I understand the actual.
land belongs to the city or state.
We need more expertise then I have on Maritime Law and Ports.

5:31 PM  

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