Sunday, March 26, 2006

a minor problem on the path

There is the "groupee" problem when giving up the
individualized will....(.re: Aldous Huxley quote below)
That is, there are groupees that want your will to be
subject to the group's will....always found in formal
religious doesn't serve your journey but it
protects from the pain somewhat, and tends to keep
you from union with the devine ground.  Then there are
the domineering egos that see your surrender of will as
an opportunity to seize the moment. So find other great
spirits on the path like one friend of mine who is so
humble, my ego can't operate around him.
Coming next will be a study of how the ego operates so
we can witness.  


Blogger Jim said...

That is a very good piece, thanks.

10:20 PM  
Blogger corewell said...

Thanks,jim.Appreciate your visit.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Sophia said...

Sometimes I think my ego still needs a good stabbing. Since I've gotten older, it's more humble than it used to be, but it still shows its face from time-to-time.

7:31 AM  
Blogger corewell said...

I have a lot of admiration for your ability to witness your own ego. Ego is so devious. When I catch mine I am happy, and then it finds another inroad to make me upset or separate. There's a page 124 in Eckhart's book, A New Earth that speaks to me currently, regarding the ego in illness.It seems so clear to me that when I am feeling really really good, my ego comes back full force.

5:34 PM  

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