Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ego...not so subtle

Those who know children's temper tantrums and those
who know addictions understand there is nothing subtle
about the ego.  The ego says, I want what I want when I
want it and nothing is going to stop me even if it kills
me. You know the old saying, " Give him enough rope
and he'll hang himself"....That's what ego does.
Drug addicts will get their drugs til it kills them, alcoholics
will drink til it destroys every organ in their bodies, power
addicts will exploit and manipulate people until they rule,
etc, etc. for money, sex, food, superiority, exercise,spiritual
blessings, etc. One can be addicted to meditation too.
In fact, one good recommendation for the most harmful
addictions is to upgrade the addiction to something a
bit healthier.   One can always detect Ego by lack
of humility, and lack of gratitude.
Arrogance is ego covering up vulnerability. 
From my experience and observations Ego is not subtle
until the road narrows considerably unless one considers
self-deceit a subtlety.


Blogger corewell said...

I think you would like the book,
'Somebodies and Nobodies' by Robert
Fuller former Pres of Oberlin College.

10:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What about ego-driven manipulation, fueled by narcissistic, passive-agressive, self-deprication? In other words, controlling people by putting yourself down and making them feel sorry for you. Is that an exception to recognising ego as lack of humility? I have relatives with gold medals in this.

12:56 AM  
Blogger corewell said...

Kyle, I know so many people like that....can't help but think it's a Ronnie Lang knot...laughable if not so awful. I see this mode used to deal with authority figures who have power over you who want only obedience..when honesty is verbotin,and expressing oneself is high crime, lest you break authority figure's fantasy.

On the other hand, I have a neighbor who is so that way and
egocentric that she hates me if I am not thinking about her needs all the time. If I play into her
self-pity, it takes hours of listening to her story to the exclusion of anything else in the world.

11:42 AM  
Blogger corewell said...

Mark, I like your expression, 'to become addicted to a thought system' and how awful that can be,but it is an upgrade and does not have to be a lifetime commitment tho many 12 step people will tell you that.

11:44 AM  

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