Monday, January 14, 2008

Flower children

The 60s in California were thousands and thousands of our generation pouring in. Haight-Asbury days; drugs like
LSD and pot were shared with love. We were anti authority, anti regidity and wanting a new world of peace and
love. Make love, not war was our sentiment. Almost all of us were looking for a new way to be. Every kind of guru
was emerging in all fields. Farms, communes, cults. People wanted to be together and there were plenty of
self-appointed male Gods to go around. These gurus found the desperate, vulnerable females and bound them
to the gurus. They were given work, tilling the soil, or playing con games or stealing or being sex toys. The guru
would take their money and limit their access to any money so they were not free to go anywhere and the brainwashing began, as well as the required work. The guru made the rules, acting as benevolent father and savior. Only he knew what was needed and so ruled, just like David Koresh. Almost all were associated with religion and
spirituality The Eastern religions became known and popular, so there was lots of singing , meditation, and drugs
and music and alcohol. Little did anyone know what was coming as the gurus became more god-like and dependent on the beautiful young men and women. Some cults became murderous, some became healing, some became political
activism. It even spread into professional groups...psychiatrists and psychologists with therapeutic communities.

All of them take away the individual identity, requiring each person to take on the group identity. You are taught that you were nothing before you came to the group and will be nothing if you leave.Then the male God
defines reality and makes the rules as to what should be done or not done. If you don't go along, you have to leave
or bear terrible abuse because the guru demands recognition of his all-knowing and all-ruling position. Do not
question or you may be dead, if not physically, then spiritually and personally because your identity has already been
eliminated. Nothing existed before the group. Funny how authoritarianism sneaks in the back door so slowly. The
boiled frog syndrome.

These cults are still around because people are needy and don't know what to do about it.

She thought she was safe from the drug culture, but was captured by the alcohol cult and then the psychology
cult. Once a person has enjoyed the group identity, growth usually stops because individual identity has stopped.
People who come out of a cult usually are pretty sensitive to those who want to take their voice away.
Ever noticed how often inflated egos speak for others. We are this and we do this. It's brain washing and incredibly
destructive to everyone involved. Some men, cult leaders make a pretense of supporting women's retreats while making sure they control what happens thru some women....Subtle manipulation
and control thru the women. Remember Charles Manson and his women.

The poor women. They think they're getting something while they give up their own voice and repeat the mantra..


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