Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Spirit food

Spirit food is so hard to find,
No one seems to have the time.
Most people are afraid of death, except for those
who know that death is only a transition.
Once you know right down to your toes
you are spirit;
Life gets easier,
Death is a crossing,
death poems are fun.
Life is difficult 
To Press us.
...not to fear,
But to consciousness
You are a spirit in 
In one organic Earth Suit
Hungry to Fly.
(Enter Hungry Ghost),
by shedding your body
to go naked.
Personally I am more afraid of pain then death, which to
me is a gasp and a blink. Ram Dass used to say heaven & hell
are right here on earth. When you're in the flow, thats
heaven and when you're stuck, thats hell. I once had a dream
of dying. I was tumbling thru endless space, disoriented and
afraid and suddenly the face of  the Dali Lama was up close
to my face and as I tumbled his face stayed in front of mine
and I felt safe and secure. This went on for a long long time,
then suddenly again I was standing on the plains of Tibet 
outside of Llasa where festivities were happening all around me.    


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