"There's only one way...."
If you think there is only one way to solve a problem, you
are in a trap. If you think there is only one way to live, you
are in a trap. If you think there is only one way to heal, you
are an addict, etc. etc. If you choose a way because it
seems to fit you better at this time,and you do not
condemn other ways,you are free, because the freedom
to choose is the greatest gift we have ever been given.
Those of us who have found a way that is harmful to
other people or to ones self can upgrade their
addictions to preferences and by doing so, begin to be
fully human- aware of choices we are free to make.
Some folks think addictions to substances like drugs,
coffee, food, alcohol, sugar, sex, money, are inferior
to addictions like power, prestige, competition,
gossip,controlling others, infantalizing others,
manipulating others, or the many other variations.
The DMS diagnostic manual for psychiatry
will tell you which ones are currently
considered 'sick'. The ones most common
are the addictions to 'being right' and to
'being the-one-who-knows' or 'knowing the
one- who-knows'.
You can always tell an addicted person by their
refusal to believe there are other ways, to get the
same thing,or in combination,or refuse to believe
there are other wonderful ways to be..
There is one simpler way to tell an addicted
person..by the way they look down on other
folks' addictions.
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