Monday, December 05, 2005

a spiritual guide . . .

" . . . a spiritual guide worth her salt will conduct a ruthless campaign
against ALL forms of delusion arising out of spiritual ambition and
self-complacency which aim to establish the ego in spiritual glory."
Thomas Merton

When we look at our prayers, are we truly asking for God's will or are
we telling God what we want and our expectations? Does our ego
take nice words and ask God to make me that way, say, to make
me a helper of glorify myself ?; or;do we always end,
'if it be thy will' or; ' if I am truly ready to be a helper as an instrument of
thy will and not of my will.'

Any time we tell others , how they ought to act, or how they ought to
talk, or how they ought to think, we are coming from ego...King ego,
or Queen ego in charge....not God. And its destructive, unless we can
humbly acknowledge that the message is from God thru us.

Now, how does that fit with politics and government?....more later.


Blogger Unknown said...

It's a metaphysical conundrum: keeping God separate in the mind from Santa Claus.

11:55 PM  
Blogger corewell said...

I think you speared the fish or hit the nail on the head...or something like that.

1:14 PM  

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