Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Cullinan Diamond

Do you know anything about the Cullinan Diamond that is in the Queen of England's crown?
They have such an interesting ceremony. Each year the Queen reads the intended programs and intentions for her people.
Today the Government gives her what she is to read. The whole parliament cannot meet without her/him. It's always held
in the House of Lords, which profoundly irritates the MPs in the House of Commons....having to go over to the House of
Lords for the reading. She, the Queen, always wears this crown, which I am sure is very heavy to have it on your head and
have to read which means having to tip your head a little. Bet there are some wonderful stories about her practicing the reading and walking so as not to lose it. Her husband , Phillip, very carefully holds out his hand to her held out hand, giving her some balance as she walks down the lane with a long train behind her. They make it look so easy.
What  l love is the symbolism of cherishing the monarchy, but the instructions come from the government of the people.
....a good reminder every year about who makes the decisions and the demise of singular rule-making. Hot Stuff!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Ram Dass used to talk about being alone as full of possibilities and not to be
confused with lonely. Lonely, he said, is a condition of clinging to a model of
how it ought to be.   I suspect that fear spoils a peaceful opportunity which
leads into judging that all is not well.  I find so many people never step out of
judging. Fear says judge and for some reason, that keeps the deeper fears

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Time to give thanks,
For more hours not in pain,
For friends who really care,
For a good nites sleep,
For God's protection,
For love and trust,
For a little more time with you.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Instant Write-0ff Voting

For so many of us Americans ,  we vote for a democrat or republican because to vote for the person we want in that office, means our vote won't be counted. So we end up with the same bad choices all the time. The only remedy
is INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING . Lets get it into the system. That way we get to vote for 3. If the first fails it goes to the
next and if that one fails, it goes to the next.  Then we could see some real change in our country and none of this
voting for the two party system that it was never intended to be because if that were true we would have only 2 persons
to choose from.  I also think we should get rid of the electoral college which gives the power to the small states who have fewer peope.    

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Women in Congress

The announcement that we will now have a record number of women in
Congress,  86 out of 535 , just reminds me of male domination in this country.

Record of the 43rd President-summary

A brief summary by Hendrik Hertzberg in current New Yorker:
"It includes an unending deficit--this year, it's $260 billion--that has already added $ 1.5 trillion
to the national debt; the subcontracting of environmental, energy, labor, and healthcare policymaking
to corporate interests (profit); repeated efforts to suppress scientific truth; a set of economic and
fiscal policies that have slowed growth, spurred inequality, replenished the ranks of the poor and
uninsured, and exacerbated the insecurities of the middle class; and, on Capitol Hill, a festival of
bribery, some prosecutable, some not (such as the reported two-million-dollar salary conferred
upon a Republican congressman who became the pharmaceutical industry's top lobbyist immediately
after shepherding into law a bill forbidding the government to negotiate prices for prescription
In 2002 and 2004, the ruling party avoided retribution for offenses like these by exploiting the fear
of terrorism."
Lots of horrible things not mentioned like execution of rendering and support of torture that would
have imprisoned you for at least 25 years after World War II;and, the butchering of our constitution and
citizen rights.
Hertzberg does mention that this all could not have been done without "the indispensable help of a
complaisant Congress".

Heard on Art Bell show

Last nite, Art reported that in 50 years there will be no
fish in the ocean, if we continue fishing the way we
do it now.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

P.J.O'Rourke says . . . .

The mystery of government is not how Washington works
but how to make it stop. (from John Moore's blog). 

In my defense

Dear Lady:
Since you called me two faced, I want to share with you that in my years of working with people and my studies, it
really is clear that people function on many levels and many roles. At the very least, they sometimes function at the
child level, sometimes function at the adult level and sometimes function at the parent level. When and if one does
meditation or spiritual training,or social psychology studies, one finds that we function on as many as 30 different levels. To mention a few, there is
the heart level, the mind level, the gross physical level, the cell level, and many consciousness levels , sleep being one. Then there are the many different
levels of functioning with our senses.....sometimes people are more hearing sensitive, some are more visual, some are more
taste sensitive, some are more touch sensitive and some are more smell sensitve and various combinations that change in different situations.

Also, people change. Information and intereaction changes people, or one could say , 'experience' changes people.
From one day to the next people are changing. General Semantics emphasizes that a person such as Louise today
is different from Louise tomorrow is different from Louise yesterday or any yesterday. One can go crazy expecting
people to be the same every minute of every day for their entire life. Trying to put people into convenient slots as if they
were like pieces of mail is a disease of the mind and against nature. We call it, categorization. Everyone does it, but
our best scientists know that it can easily become a disease of the mind. Nature has many cycles and cycles within
cycles and endless variety.Even random is not random when you consider fractals. Only the sick human mind wants to clone everything because variety and change are the essence
of life.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I feel sick that the people in Calif. elected Arnold as governor. He doesn't read! He's an uneducated
loud mouth without even a glimmer of wisdom and totally an authoritarian personality. That means
in his heart he hates intelligence and lacks any ability to see another side of any issue other then
his own.  He's quite suitable for having his own business, but we are truly lost with him as leader
or decision maker.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Salmonella Outbreak

There is now a new outbreak of Salmonella poisoning Nationwide.
They don't know the source yet, only that the reports are from the
middle and eastern States.