Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I can't decide which bugs me the most.: People who 'think they know it all' or,
People who want to make all the rules within the law. I have only for those who deliberately
disregard the laws, as I do for people who gossip.

On the subject of A.Gonzalez, whenever I can't remember how to spell his name, I look in the phonebook
where there are hundreds of them. It seems noteworthy that today, one can no longer find his name anywhere
in the news, or about his leaving , even when doing a Google Search. What I wanted to say about him and the
millions upon millions of illegal Mexicans, is their basic attitude that they should make up their own rules and
laws and disregard the laws of our country. Apparently his parents were illegal Mexicans* and I fear the attitude
of these illegal Mexicans (and his family) is that our rules and laws need not be followed and they can make up their own
laws.The Mexican gangs and mafia that are flooding over our border reflect that same basic attitude. A.
Gonzalez' disregard of the Geneva Convention and support of worldwide torture is one example that basically
destroys everything we Americans have created and stand for.

*When asked on a talk show if his parents were illegal immigrants, he said he didn't know.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Science or Dreams?

Christiane Amapour( Sp.?) reported in her TV special that 53% of Americans believe in Creationism, wherein
no evolution exists. People were just popped into existence one day by the hand of God.  THAT is why our
nation is in trouble. Those people will believe anything any politician tells them if it's dreamy enough.


I have not been able to build a relationship with a client or friend who
is on prozac. This might be the reason...the ultimate control of the masses.
Are you being drugged?
                                   by Claire Rabe
She recused herself from aging by putting a condom on her brain, safe thinking
ensured by Prozac, feelings kept in check while her skeleton crumbled or fused
in microbytes, growing down as quickly as her granddaughter up.  At night she
retired with her best friend--her bed; in the goose-down cave she had prozaic dreams.
She rejected the irretrievable, away with sadness, her morning cup of serotonin
guaranteed a comfort zone peopled by the zombie in the mirror of her medicine

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Mouse and The Donald

by Yoni Brenner
   Ambling through Central Park one day, a mouse happens upon Donald Trump,
trapped in a hunter's net.  The mouse asks the Donald if he can be of any
assistance. "How could you help me?" scoffs the Donald. "I am Donald Trump and
you are just a lowly mouse."
   Several years later, the Donald calls the mouse into his office. "Your division
underperformed again, Johnson,"  says the Donald. "Someone's gonna have to take
the fall."  "But, Donald!"  cries the mouse.  "Don't you remember why you hired me?
How I nibbled through that net and saved you from the hunters?"  The Donald thinks
for a moment, then replies, " I don't remember it that way."
   Moral: Success is fleeting, so keep a paper trail.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

ADD...Attention Deficit Disorder

The word is finally ain't no disease! They are normal, healthy kids
that prefer lots of physical activity. Back in the tribal days, they would be
the hunter-gatherers. It's in the genes.

First the teachers and doctors called it "hyperactive". Then the teachers, moms
and doctors found it so irritating, they turned it into a disease and drugged the
kids. Now the truth is out. Children live and learn in a variety of ways, just as they
have a variety of talents..

West Nile Virus

It's in our county now, so try not to get mosquito bites. They are
usually active at dawn and sunset. Y'all know the routine. Keep
your skin covered...neck, arms, legs, etc. . . .

Friday, August 03, 2007

Two Warnings for our Seniors

Today - 2 warnings for seniors.
Stay inside at dawn and dusk because of West Nile virus from mosquitos.
                                                     We have 3 counties (Kern is one) under alert because
                                                      of deaths.
Stay inside day & nite to prevent breathing ash filled air from the Zaca Fire.