Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cost of Living index

Cost of food and the cost of oil are not included in the cost of living index.
According to Tom Hartman today
it used to be a real index of costs, but they decided to phony it up because they were afraid it would be too
expensive for things like social security and military paychecks. "They" being Greenspan and
his buddies in the Fed. Reserve and Treasury.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Meat and milk revisited

In addition to the hormones in milk and meat, we now have clones of animals and milk
from cloned cows plus the hormones and antibiotics. The FDA has approved NO LABELS
of cloned meat or milk in spite of Congress and Public citizens angry outcry. We won't even
know what we are getting at the store.  Best bet is to buy eveything labeled organic including
meat, milk , and vegies, if you care.

Hormones,Milk,Labeling,Corporate manipulation for Profit

Drink milk?  Today the milk cartons are labeled such as, ""no artificial growth hormones", "from cows not treated
with the growth hormone rBST", or " free from artificial growth hormones".  I am so sick of hearing about the
hormones in everything esp. estrogen mimickers because the estrogen in our air, in our water, in our food
is screwing up our bodies. Now growth hormones added to milk.
Mansanto and the great agricultural giants do not want those labels so they are pushing the agricultural depts in
states across the country to ban the use of the labels on your milk. Depending on what state you live in, you
may not see the good labels that give us choice. Big fight going on ,and in Penn. they can still label their milk.
How about your state?
Imagine that. Laws against telling us about the food we buy. Guess the corporations are really sore about being
required to label the contents of our food. Now they want to ban labels. I can't wait til they put thru the law telling us
not just the country but the location where the food was grown.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A small forest of Birch trees

Once I had a picture from Nature magazine that I gave away, as I like to share something special. Many many
times I wish that I had it back to share with others. Why such a big deal?
The beautiful two page picture of the Birch trees had a line across the bottom third of the picture and that 1/3 of
the page showed the root system....All the trees were part of one root system tho from the top of the earth the trees
appear separate and individual.
I think all humans are thus connected by the invisible. 

Take care of your Intestines

This party has lots of trouble in that dept. now. The disease I have called diverticulosis has
this week turned once more into diverticulitis...inflammation, and I am in excrutiating pain.
This disease can cause problems in other parts of the body, like the joints. So now the unhappy
gut causes joint pain and dysfunction, along with already existing arthritis and osteoporosis.
I think this bod is finished and its time to move on to the next life.
The lesson is : talk about and  care for your intestines. Learn everything you can. The worst
of the current situation is the brain.  As you know the gut and the brain are closely related.
With all the pain and dysfunction, my mind is slipping away. It feels like its going into paralysis.
I don't know if its the pain or the messengers in the gut that are shuting down the mind , but
it's a fact.
I have this wonderful book that says whatever makes me happy makes my gut happy so here
goes. I love to laugh. any suggestions?    

Monday, January 14, 2008

Flower children

The 60s in California were thousands and thousands of our generation pouring in. Haight-Asbury days; drugs like
LSD and pot were shared with love. We were anti authority, anti regidity and wanting a new world of peace and
love. Make love, not war was our sentiment. Almost all of us were looking for a new way to be. Every kind of guru
was emerging in all fields. Farms, communes, cults. People wanted to be together and there were plenty of
self-appointed male Gods to go around. These gurus found the desperate, vulnerable females and bound them
to the gurus. They were given work, tilling the soil, or playing con games or stealing or being sex toys. The guru
would take their money and limit their access to any money so they were not free to go anywhere and the brainwashing began, as well as the required work. The guru made the rules, acting as benevolent father and savior. Only he knew what was needed and so ruled, just like David Koresh. Almost all were associated with religion and
spirituality The Eastern religions became known and popular, so there was lots of singing , meditation, and drugs
and music and alcohol. Little did anyone know what was coming as the gurus became more god-like and dependent on the beautiful young men and women. Some cults became murderous, some became healing, some became political
activism. It even spread into professional groups...psychiatrists and psychologists with therapeutic communities.

All of them take away the individual identity, requiring each person to take on the group identity. You are taught that you were nothing before you came to the group and will be nothing if you leave.Then the male God
defines reality and makes the rules as to what should be done or not done. If you don't go along, you have to leave
or bear terrible abuse because the guru demands recognition of his all-knowing and all-ruling position. Do not
question or you may be dead, if not physically, then spiritually and personally because your identity has already been
eliminated. Nothing existed before the group. Funny how authoritarianism sneaks in the back door so slowly. The
boiled frog syndrome.

These cults are still around because people are needy and don't know what to do about it.

She thought she was safe from the drug culture, but was captured by the alcohol cult and then the psychology
cult. Once a person has enjoyed the group identity, growth usually stops because individual identity has stopped.
People who come out of a cult usually are pretty sensitive to those who want to take their voice away.
Ever noticed how often inflated egos speak for others. We are this and we do this. It's brain washing and incredibly
destructive to everyone involved. Some men, cult leaders make a pretense of supporting women's retreats while making sure they control what happens thru some women....Subtle manipulation
and control thru the women. Remember Charles Manson and his women.

The poor women. They think they're getting something while they give up their own voice and repeat the mantra..

Friday, January 11, 2008

She was a beautiful young woman, lost and alone, vulnerable after her divorce in the 60s. Her family in the midwest
rejected her because she was, tsk tsk,  a used woman no longer married as she should be, according to them.
So she went to California thinking that , at least in California people don't frown on being divorced. Alone in a strange
land without anyone to care, she found work, but she was lonely and desperate, as an old couple called her.
We know what happens to such women in the 60s. Somebody sees a opportunity and latches onto her. First
crushed by a man and then rejected by her family, she was easy prey. 

Monday, January 07, 2008


A terrible lonliness has payed a visit. I didn't sleep last nite and I'm scheduled for a cortisone shot
in my spine this week because of pain. I attended a gentle memorial service  today that broke into my heart
with old grief and longing for God. What to do? I want to be with someone who loves me. It feels like
someone took a knife and cut open an old wound. Why now, God?l 

Friday, January 04, 2008

Sick Families

Amazing how many families don't know how sick they are. For example; how hard is it for a mother
and father with no responsibilities to their grown children, to facilitate the children being there for each other?
If one gets a graduate degree, the others would be informed and congratulations, if not gifts, would be sent.
And when there is nothing but shame and silence and lack of sharing, except to gossip
darkly and with condemnation and judgementalism....that's a very sick family.
Or a mother and father who can't stand the thought of their children leaving and creating their own life, so
they cling every day with phone calls and thoughts and emotions and make the children shamefully full of
guilt if they don't take care of mother and father first. They infantalize the children so they cannot become
adults and parents to another future generation. Then there are mothers and fathers who use their children
for labor because they don' t have the remotest idea of what nurture and education mean.. 
When you work with families, you see the destructiveness under the disguise of love. It makes me want to
up chuck when peope say things like , " our group is just like a family".

Huckabee and Norris

Heard on c-span today: Chuck Norris on taxes. He said the middle class pays 80% of taxes.He said Huckabee's proposal is  for  Corporations to pay that 80% and the middle class none.
  He also said that Arab nation leaders travel here by
jumbo jet, buy millions of dollars worth of merchandise, pack it into the jumbo jet and take it home AND never
pay taxes.  They too should pay their share of taxes. He also said the IRS should be dumped .
If Huckabee does go very far, the corps will no doubt dump him. 

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Great Minds

I just picked up this quote from John's blog. I think you'all would love it.(his blog) John Moore .

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people".

Eleanor Roosevelt

Change our minds

Candace Pert's new book is called, Your Body is Your SubConscious Mind.  A good ole psychotherapist
is still what we need to change that. Affirmations will work if you say them all day everyday for a year, but
I don't know anyone who has the time to do that and for me, that would drive me crazy besides the fact that
I don't think I could do it.
It surely explains diseases of the body that seem so unconnected to our minds.
Better not to think if our thinking gets us into disease, don't you think???

A problem with corporations

How do we say yes to corporations when they don't pay their own way?  They take our land , our water, our
natural resources, our air and give us back pollution that they make us pay for.  They say that's all free stuff.
Anybody can use the roads air waves, etc, etc, but who pays for them? You and I and definitely not the corporations.
When they create and invest in something new, they usually give something....not nearly what they take. Think
about the infrastructure that never gets renewed or is renewed at such a low grade, tragedies occur and failure is
laid on someone else's shoulders. (railroad tracks and trains; nuclear power plants, etc.)
They make the profit, pocket the money and scream that you and I should pay(and do) to clean up after them.
That's why I refuse to invest in public corporations. They are robber barrons and have only one goal in the
world and that is money. In fact, if they display any other goal they are not acting in accordance with their

Old idea

If you say yes to the universe, the universe will say yes back to you.
Just learned about the social security increase of 2.3.  How do we say yes to that when the real inflation isn't
counted in the tabulation? For example, home fuel to stay warm and transportation fuel are not counted as
items to consider for cost of living. There are others too, that are excluded from the list. I heard Alan Greenspan
once talk about ,how the calculation changes could  partly solve the problem of social security going broke. So
they did that and the increase this year won't cover the increase in gasoline price in my budget.
Anybody know where I can find the list of other items that are not included in the cost of living increase for
social security?