Anonymous Programs are misnamed these days. They have swung all the way to the opposite side
of anonymous. The members, lacking better things to do, discuss other members ad nausea. There is
more gossip and more judgementalism then there is in society at large. In a small community, the
psychiatrists and therapist, who know most of the members, also discuss and gossip about patients
on a daily basis. In essence,
this is a form of social control, but it was never intended to be that.
One of the ways of control, as in all good cults, is to condemn anyone who leaves.
That is to make people afraid to leave.It serves to keep the membership up. All cults use this
and shun people who leave the club or church group.I understand the Book of Revelations in the Bible
was written for exactly that reason. Members will tell you all the rational reasons,
except that the club or church could not meet the needs of that person. or that the club has gone
insane with their rules and regulations and nasty gossip. The members cannot concieve of their
being something better in the world then what they have. They are sad, sick folks.It's a woeful self-obsession
by the group as well as the individuals in it. . It's a belief that I'm ok, you're not. If you leave, you are less
then the people who stay. No freedom of thought involved. One must think and talk as dictated by the
good book and the priests or senior members or self-appointed leaders. But it works to keep people faithful. People
used to be able to get help and move on, but no more. Gossip has substituted for letting go of another habit. As if
that were the be-all and end- all of life. People with diseases form groups and run together because it gives them
an identity, when life fails them or they fail life. Their friendships are not real, but are totally dependent
on their membership. Leave the membership, away go the friends.
Nothing emerges in any friendship except the cult beliefs. Great thinkers and leaders do not come from
these cults because the members are obedient sheep.
Many escape and move on with their lives building wonderful relationships and creating wonderful things, but
they will always be spit upon by the membership who are too sick to create a life for themselves and
others full of blessings, creativity, love, and joy.