Monday, December 24, 2007


China was incredibly advanced centuries ago and they have come back so fast in recent years. I just read that
the people in China with the highest I.Q. (25% of the pop.) are equal to the total number of people in North 
America.  They have as many brilliant residents as we have residents. Sure looks like they will swallow us up
soon, so not to worry about our expanding population from illegal, ignorant immigrants.

There are families

There are families that teach the children how to  be respectful and honest with each other
and teach the children how to be best friends to each other and help each other.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

FCC Chairman

Watching C-span...legislators questioning the FCC commissioners about their rush to allow the mega corps
to become mega mega. The public and the congressional reps all say, slow down, and get priorities straight.
The chair, Martin acts and talks like he is 'the aurthority' and the president of the us. He spoke to the
legislators as if they were his personal advisors and bluntly said he was going to do it 'his way' no matter
what anyone said.  Isn't he accountable to anyone?

Saturday, December 08, 2007

To Shorten Winter

To shorten winter,  borrow some money 
  due in the spring.    
  W.J. Vogel