Remembering the Jewish Ghettos
Ghetto -1." A section of a city, often run-down or overcrowded, inhabited chiefly by a minority group that is effectively
barred from living in other communities, as, because of racial prejudice or for economic or social reasons.2. A section
of a city in certain European countries in which Jews were formerly required to live."
How did the Nazi s manage to do this before they killed them.? No resistance to being forced to live in a special
place? They did it by using the Jews as managers and secret committee members so they would control their own
people. I had a friend once whose father was head of the ghetto in Berlin, before the Nazi s killed them all. She
was proud of the importance of her father....that he should be chosen. I thought that was crazy. Why would you serve
and work for the people in charge who were your enemy? Isn't that helping the enemy kill you?
This sort of thing still exists. Look around. Just as slavery still exists. Look around. Be aware. Be conscious.