Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Live in the Now
who are so future oriented or goal directed that they miss the whole experience of Now...who never stop to take
a deep breath or smell a flower.
We have to consider what else lives in the Now. The id lives in the Now.
Instant gratification lives in the Now. Hunger and disease live in the Now. Death lives in
the Now. If you don't plant the seeds to grow in the future, there's no food unless you steal
it or have inherited wealth from some who did not live in the Now.. Sexual desire lives in the Now.
If there is no future, why not take what you want Now? Pain and Anger live in the Now. If there
is no future, why not beat up others who cause you pain?
Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, floods,
fires, tsunamis, tornados, pollution of air and water and food live in the Now. If you want
any protection or shelter, someone has to put their head in the future and make a plan.
If you want health care for yourself and loved ones and you live in the Now,
and have no money, your only option is to steal it or beg it from others who do
not live in the Now.
Children have the luxury of living in the now. It's instinctive. Parents work and create to provide
for their family for today and the future. Priests have the luxury of living in the now, so long as
someone else takes care of them.
Who would delay gratification and go to school to be a doctor or lawyer or writer if there
are no needs tomorrow, to anticipate?
A lot of fundamentalists firmly believe that Armageddon is coming soon so there is no point
in being concerned or even thinking about global warming or peace. It's a kind of thinking that
says, rape the earth for Now because we'll all be gone soon. Some people call that
spiritual, but I call it instant gratification from thinking and living in the Now.
If we are on the moral high ground and live in the now, we must be willing to die...
starve to death or allow the sword to be thrust thru without fighting back, or allow
a disease to ravage our mind and body without help.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Virginia Tech Massacre
The bullies are still having a hayday. The response of Americans
to the bullies around us is ziltch, as far as I can tell. And the bullies
create rage. If you can persuade the victims of bullies to kill themselves,
then they leave other people alone, but when they take down others
with them, we notice for a few days.
And I think our foreign policy has become Bully Policy.