Thursday, January 26, 2006

the silent treatment

The silent treatment is a cruel punishment when in truth the person
doing it is inadequate to the task of responding. Love is response.
Response-ability and to whom one is responsive are the tell-tale signs
of level of maturity. We might even equate the silent treatment to a 
pout. What do you do when people don't do or say what you want
them to do or say? Do you pout or give them the silent treatment?
When parents do it to their children, it puts a lid on that child's
future abillity to respond, and to love.
Families who use the silent treatment are unloving families and
if you look closely you will see it's destructiveness on members.
Some family members use it for weeks and months. That provides
-0- support. I wonder what happens to the bones when there
is no support thru the developmental years.
"I don't like what you say, so I'm not going to talk to you." (a telltale
sign of lack of love, and immaturity). Groups of people in organizations,
clubs,and churchs expand on this and with their aversions turn it 
into war.   
So what, you say?  Be aware.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

what to do with our hearts . .. .

". . . have patience with everything that remains unsolved
in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like
locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language.
Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given
to you because you could not live them. It is a question of  
experiencing everything.  At present you need to live the
question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it,
find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day."

Saturday, January 14, 2006

"I never could reconcile my net income
with my gross habits"
Errol Flynn

Thursday, January 12, 2006

heard today

The stats are in :  29 million US children were given
                          stimulant drugs in 2004, to fix the kids.
                                           New Dimensions Radio
                          19.2 million US workers are
                           drinking alcohol on the job.
                                           Huffington Post
What does it all mean....interesting, no? and how
many millions in prisons?   Is this the month for telling
us how bad we are?  But we do need to look at what we
are doing to our children. Also I heard yesterday that the
Montessori  Schools do remarkable things with children
opening them to being creative, thinking and caring.

keeping focused.....

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with
what you can do."
John Wooden

Have you ever noticed that the 'negative' always is
nosier and takes up more space then the 'positive' ?
You do enough and you are beautiful. Our darker nature
tries to drown that out.

Focusing on what you can do or getting into the solution,
as some say, allows you to be a human instead
of a superhuman machine.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


"You can count how many seeds are in the
apple, but not how many apples are in the seed".
                     Ken Kersey

Back to basics . .

"Only that which can change can continue: this
is the principle by which infinite players live".
        James Carse
"Kilgore Trout once wrote a short story which was a
dialogue between two pieces of yeast. They were discussing
the possible purposes of life as they ate sugar and
suffocated in their own excrement.  Because of
their limited intelligence, they never came close
to guessing that they were making champagne"
          Kurt Vonnegut,Jr.

Friday, January 06, 2006

telling the truth . .

Whatever happenned to telling the truth? Abe Lincoln made
a big deal about that and teaching our children to be moral and
ethical was based on telling the truth. Our legal system was
based on truth telling...I say, 'was' . And it was up to the adults
surrounding the 'teller' to assist in the exploration of truth, NOT

And no matter the outcome, telling one's truth and taking responsibility
for it was the basis of our whole society. The snake oil salesman turned
into the mafia "just a good businessman", turned into the wealthy
corporate executive who loved his customers so much, he could do
no wrong, turned into manipulative legislators who needed the corporate
executives to tell them what to do. And the poor legislators thought
they should do the bidding of the corporate executives because
why else would they be paid millions a year in salaries. They MUST be
really smart and knowledgeable. There are a few legislators left who
still seek the truth and they are appropriately hopping angry.

Does the Bush Admin. reflect the people or do the people reflect the

Now, someone telling the truth either excites people because its so
rare, or it is dismissed as foolish.

Seizing the opportunity to 'take advantage' is now the motto of our
people from the Pres. of the U.S. on down to the woman who sat in
her car 15 minutes (or however long it took for the police to
get there) preparing her statement to the police with the support
and help of her family.

Not many people can do psychotherapy anymore...or talk therapy
because talk therapy depends on people telling the truth. Even
the 12 step programs have become nothing but a platform for promoting
what they want other people to believe. Lies become the ticket.
ENTER THE DRUGS: You see, drugs make it possible to get a
resemblance to sanity without telling the truth and without sanity. Then who needs
talk therapy? Then all they need is a social club and its gossip to
further promote what they want other people to believe.....having
nothing to do with telling the truth, or growth or development into
Bush needs more drugs. His insanity is showing through.
The drug companies sure know what they're doing. I guess we don't
need to work at being sane or healthy if we can take a drug that
makes us appear sane or healthy. When the breakdown comes
I think it will be whopping.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

one arm

I am delighted to report that removing sheets from the bed,
laundering them and putting them back on the bed was done
by me with one arm. Didn't think I could do it because so many
things have been hard to do with one arm. The secret is to have
a well body otherwise to support the one arm and I'm getting there.
Still really hard to cook and esp. wash dishes...washing a glass
with one hand....possible but slow to the point of exasperation.